We offer cutting-edge, online marketing solutions for building and executing campaigns over email, SMS or social networks.

Easily target your prospects and manage your customers in any industry with VerveMail’s award winning, industry leading email marketing platform. Our best-of-breed tools help you send resonant messages to relevant audiences.

Campaign Creation

Simple and intuitive ways to create, edit, and deploy your day-to-day marketing campaigns.

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Easy Social Sharing

Spread your message and grow your list by encouraging and tracking viral social sharing.
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 Insightful Reporting

See your true delivery rate. Discover where your messages are going and why. Track campaigns and benchmark your success.
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 Test and Improve

A/B tests, rendering tests, domain delivery reports — we have all the tools you need to analyze and optimize the critical components of a successful email campaign.

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Send Personalized, Targeted Email

Easily collect and manage big data. Then, personalize your emails with this information, using our incredibly powerful and intuitive segmentation suite.

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 Managed Deliverability

Our Deliverability Team will help you avoid and remedy the toughest deliverability woes. No other mainstream provider offers deliverability support like ours.
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 Build Custom Forms and Surveys

No coding required. Its easy to build custom forms for any purpose: events, petitions, sign up forms, landing pages, preference centers and more.
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 Effective Multi-Channel Integrations

Unify your database by communicating data across disparate silos. Our robust API and prebuilt integration applications make this easy.
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Track Conversions

Monitor how many donations originated from a link, email, campaign or particular subscriber. Use this data to re-target your most valuable subscriber segments.

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Automation shouldn’t be scary or complicated. Our pre-built strategy blueprints make it easy to build lifecycle automations that welcome new subscribers and reward social evangelists.

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Mobile Friendly Email

Most subscribers will delete an email if it renders poorly on their phone. Use our tools to write mobile perfect emails.

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